


相隔半顆地球的距離。但是我們的心卻連在一起。 從德國回來,也整整3個月了。如果說習不習慣沒有Laura的生活。其實還是不習慣。整天面對一個空虛而摸不著的身體(ipad)。雖然深愛著對方,但是還是沒有像見面時感覺到的那麼多。我愛Laura。我努力的在拓展我的”安麗事業”。我喜歡它,因為是透過幫助別人才能成就自己。幫助別人健康 美麗 甚至成功。成功後,我有時間,我有金錢。我就能和Laura過著自由自在的生活。這就是我其中一個夢想……

Far from half world,but our hearts are connected. After i came from Germany, its already 3 months. If you ask me ”Do you adjust the life now?” My answer is ”no” Cause i miss her. Everyday i just face a empty body (ipad). Althought we love each other so much, we can not feel each other as much as we were life together in Germany.
” I love Laura” i am trying hard to develop my ”Amway business”
Cause after success, I have money, i have time. Then i can life with Laura, and do what we want. Thats my dream. And Laura is my dream.
Although i dont have many time to be with you because of the school and business. But i will try hard to be successful. Then you dont need to worry about our future.
You are forever the best. You are my fast love and also last love. Because we will keep walking hand on hand together. 


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