

<For English Translation, plz Slide Down>

很多人問我 我和蘿拉是怎麼認識的……
不是FB 也不是交友軟體

還記得2011/06/03那天 我無聊想聽音樂就隨機找一個下載音樂的程式叫”Bearshare”它是英文介面的 比較國際化,我辦了帳號放了大頭貼就去下載音樂了……下載到一半突然收到訊息 Laura : hallo~ Can i mak e a friend with u? 
就是這簡訊 因緣際會下讓我們認識了彼此……
我們聊的很開心,也很合的來,第二天聊天的時候我有一種很強烈感覺……我愛上她了 (好快……


Many people asked me, "How did i know Laura? "

Neigher Facebook nor Chatting system. 2011/06/03, i was just boring and searched music on the internet. I found a system called "Bearshare"  I can download music with it. I created a account and put my profile pic then started to download music. 

Suddenly, i got a message Laura : Hallo~ Can i make a friend with u?

That message was our first touch.

We were really happy while chatting. 

The Second Day, i felt..........I already loved her !!!!  ( So Fasssssst......


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